The Health Benefits and Risks of Lemon Consumption

Image By Britannica

Helps Prevent Kidney Stones:
Lemons contain citric acid which increases urine citrate levels, preventing oversaturated urine and painful kidney stones.
Daily consumption of lemon juice concentrate mixed with water may help prevent kidney stones according to the National Kidney Foundation

Supports Heart Health:
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that protect cells from free radicals and support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Higher fruit and vegetable intake has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Enhances Iron Absorption:
Vitamin C in lemons aids in better absorption of nonheme iron, especially beneficial for vegans and vegetarians to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
Pairing food sources of iron with vitamin C helps absorb iron more effectively.

Prevents Cell Damage:
Antioxidants in lemons prevent cell damage associated with cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, cancer, and COPD.
Citrus peel contains higher amounts of health-promoting antioxidants.

Nutrition of Lemon:
One lemon without the peel contains 17 calories, 31mg of vitamin C, and is low in fat and sodium.
Lemons are also a good source of phenolic compounds and carotenoids that protect against oxidative stress and cell damage.

Risks of Lemon:
Possible reactions to citrus fruits range from mild symptoms to severe and potentially life-threatening situations, so consult with a healthcare provider if you suspect an allergy.
Dental erosion and exacerbation of symptoms for individuals with acid reflux or GERD are potential risks of consuming lemons.

Tips for Consuming Lemon:
Store lemons in the crisper section of your fridge to maximize freshness
Add lemon juice or a lemon wedge to water or tea to increase vitamin C intake

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