End Effector (How Robot Interact with its environment)


The robotic component that allows the robot to interact with its environment, such as movement and manipulation, is called an "end effector".

End effectors are the devices or tools attached to the end of a robot's arm or limb, enabling the robot to perform specific tasks, such as:

- Gripping and manipulating objects (e.g., grippers, claws)
- Moving or lifting objects (e.g., suction cups, forks)
- Applying forces or pressures (e.g., vacuum pads, presses)
- Performing tasks that require precision or dexterity (e.g., welding, assembly)

Examples of end effectors include:

- Robot hands or grippers
- Tool holders or changers
- Sensors or probes
- Manipulator arms or fingers
- Vacuum or magnetic pick-up devices

End effectors are a crucial part of a robot's design, as they determine the robot's ability to interact with its environment and perform specific tasks.

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