STRAND 1: Introduction to Computing
Sub-Strand 1: Generation of Computers and parts of a computer and other gadgets.
Content Standard: Demonstrating an understanding of the parts of a computer and technology tools.
Indicator: Identify and discuss the Home Row Keys and Enter Buttons.
Identify the following symbols found on the computer keyboard.
1. ! –
A. Exclamation mark
B. Escrow mark
2. % -
A. perpetual
B. percentage / percent
3. * -
A. astra
B. asterisk
4. # -
A. hash
B. tilde
5. ~ -
A. tilde
B. asterisk
6. $ -
A. Pound
B. dollar
7. ^ -
A. and
B. carat
8. & -
A. ampersand
B. carat
9. ( -
A. open parenthesis
B. open docket
10. ) –
A. close parenthesis
B. close docket
11. -  is called__
A. hyphen
B. underscore
12. _ is called ___
A. upperscore
B. underscore
13. [ ] is
A. Square brackets
B. Parenthesis
14. [ -
A. open bracket
B. open parenthesis
15. ] -
A. close bracket
B. close parenthesis
16. ( ) -
A. parenthesis
B. brackets
17. { }-
A. braces
B. parenthesis
18. { -
A. open brackets
B. open braces
19. }-
A. close braces
B. close brackets
20. \ -
A. forward slash
B. backslash
21. / is
A. slash
B. backslash
22. @ is
A. copy
B. at
23. < > is
A. angle brackets
B. braces brackets
24. “ is
A. Quotation mark
B. Quotient mark
25. ? is
A. Question mark
B. Ask mark

1. Exclamation mark
2. Percentage / percent
3. Asterisk
4. Hash, pound, number
5. Tilde
6. dollar
7. Carat, hat, circumflex, exponent symbol
8. and, ampersand
9. open parenthesis, left parenthesis
10. close parenthesis, right parenthesis
11. hypen, minus, minus sign, dash
12. underscore
13. square brackets, brackets
14. open bracket
15. close bracket
16. parenthesis, close brackets
17. braces, curly brackets
18. open brace
19. close brace
20. backslash, backward slash
21. slash, forward slash
22. at, at sign, at symbol
23. angle brackets
24. quotation mark, double quotes
25. question mark

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