Little Red Riding Hood || Pg 9/9 End Of Story

Little Red Riding-Hood threw her arms round the woodman Hugh’s neck and kissed him, and thanked him again and again.
“Oh, you good, kind Hugh,” she said, “how did you know the wolf was here, in time to save me?”
“Well,” said Hugh, “when you were gone by, I remembered that a wolf had been seen about the wood lately, and I thought I would just come after you and see if you were safe. 
When we came near grandmother’s house my dog Trim sniffed and ran to the door and whined, and then he pushed it open—you had not shut it close—and rushed in, and I followed him, and between us we have killed the wolf.”
Then Hugh took the child home, and her mother and father could not thank him enough for saving Little Red Riding-Hood.

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